Subject Re: [firebird-support] Re: running firebird without installing it
Author jesus martinez
Adam, thanks for taking time to answer me.
some comments:

- yes, i am targeting to win32 environment.
(server and clients)

- i cant use embedded version because many
clients will try to access the same data
(stored on the server)

- my "empty" tables will actually have more than
40.000 records

- you are right when you say that a service can
be running independently if a user is running
or not. but i need a version that can be
installed on two technologies (nt and w9x)

- my installer will be who changes the sysdba
password and create the new users

- do you mean that in my dev-machine i
make a backup of the database and simple
restore them into the new firebird servers ?

> Given your target appears to be win32, and the
> databases are going to
> have the same endian on these machines, I would
> simply restore a
> backup of your 'empty' structure.

could you give me an example of how to do
this pls ?

why not to send commands to create tables,
create indexes, create users, assign users and
make bulk-inserts of the data ?

- so, taking in mind that the embedded version
is not an option:

a) do i have access to the sourcecodes of the
installer ?
b) if not, does the installer have a silent-mode ?
c) if so, where can i learn about its parameters ?
d) is there any documentation about what must be
configured to let firebird to start ?
(required files, registry changes, configuration
files, etc) ?

thanks in advance for your help!

> --- In,
> "jesus_martinez1967"
> <jesus_martinez1967@...> wrote:
> >
> >
> > hello, how are you ?
> Well thankyou for asking.
> >
> > i want to distribute a copy of firebird to my
> clients.
> > they really dont know anything about installing
> programs,
> > so i dont want to give them the
> "official-firebird-installer.exe"
> > but my own installer.exe that:
> Is there only a single program accessing the
> database on the machine
> you install? If so I would suggest using the
> embedded engine, as that
> is quite a simple install.
> >
> > 1) install the firebird's required files
> > 2) modify the system as firebird needs (registry,
> paths, etc)
> No problems.
> > 3) execute it as a process, not as a service (if
> it is possible)
> > (it must run also on win98 machines)
> If embedded, not relevant. Otherwise, there would be
> no point
> installing as an application unless the OS does not
> support it. (ie,
> install as a service on NT based OS -
> NT4/2K/XP/2003/Vista and as an
> application on 95/98/ME). A service is much more
> beneficial because
> you don't force the user to be logged in, and to be
> logged in with
> sufficient rights.
> > 4) enable the server in a port readed from an INI
> file or
> > something like that.
> Port is read from firebird.conf.
> > 5) delete the sysdba user
> Can't be done. You can write a program that connects
> to the services
> API and changes the default SYSDBA password.
> > 6) creates the tables-structure that my client-app
> needs
> Given your target appears to be win32, and the
> databases are going to
> have the same endian on these machines, I would
> simply restore a
> backup of your 'empty' structure.
> > 7a) insert the data or
> > 7b) copy db-files to hdd, assign them in firebird
> and make
> > them available via firebird.
> See above.
> > 8) create the dbuser that will be used by clients
> The same tool you wrote to change the SYSDBA
> password could be used.
> > 9) assign that dbuser to my tables
> Do that before you make the 'empty' database backup
> > all without any kind of user interaction.
> Sure, it just means you need to make the decisions
> that the installer
> made. The model with the least decisions to be made
> is embedded,
> literally extract the zip file and copy your
> binar(y/ies) into that
> folder, renaming fbembedded if appropriate.
> Adam

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