Subject Re: Release Versions (Firebird)
Hi Phil

A timeframe till 1.0 is a bit hard to determine, since everyone here
is on their own time, schedules are a bit hard to put together.

The aim is to fix all "essential" bugs first, put something into
stress testing and then call it version 1.0. But at this stage, which
bugs those are from our list of bugs still hasn't been determined. So
although I appreciate your situation, Im afraid I can't give you a
hard answer on that.



--- In, "Phil Shrimpton" <phil@s...> wrote:
> Hi,
> I am sure this info is in another list somewhere, but I am on too
many as it
> is <g>
> A potential client has raised some concerns over the use of
"Interbase", not
> because of "Interbase" itself, but the current version number.
> Their company policy does not allow them to use 0.x releases of
> and in the case of Microsoft and Oracle, they must use an x.1 or higher
> release.
> They are quite prepared to use an "Interbase" x.0 release. There is the
> Borland 6.01 version, but with past and present Borland 'issues' with
> Interbase, they are in agreement with me that Firebird is the preferred
> 'distribution', which is currently at 0.9(something). They are
quite happy
> to take my word for it that the current build is suitable, its just that
> their SysAdmins won't let it on their systems.
> Is there a time frame for a v1.0 release of firebird? I am not worried
> about 'features' and 'fixes', just the version number. I could
cheat, and
> make my own build and call it PhilsDB v1.0, but I am sure it would
back fire
> on me at some point <g>.
> Cheers
> Phil