Subject Re: [IBDI] Kylix: Dont Be a Windows Muggle
Author Nick Gorham
Tim Uckun wrote:

> At 05:25 PM 1/9/2001 -0500, you wrote:
> >Here's the link:
> >
> >
> >Notice the following:
> >[in Kylix] Borland will initially support MySql, the popular Linux database,
> >as well as its own open-source contribution: Interbase.
> Yes but when will it be in our grubby little hands?
> Do you know if a postgres clx is on the way?

Don't know about that, but I expect there will be a ODBC one that will connect
to Postgres, and other things...

Nick Gorham
When I die, I want to go like my grandfather did, gently while sleeping,
and not like his passangers, screaming in a panic, looking for the
inflatable raft. -- Seen on ./