Subject | Re: IncSearch does not work in TIB_Grid |
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Post date | 2017-09-04T09:17:34Z |
Just found the source of the issue.
In the unit IB_Grid there is the method TIB_CustomGrid.DoIncSearchKeyPress.
In IBOv5.9 a part of that method is commented out and that was not commented out in v4.8.
When I uncommend it, incsearch works again.
Problem is, that I had to comment out the lines with FIncSearchLevel, as that does not exist any more.
I would like to know, why this part was commented out and if there are any issues when uncommenting it.
Jason, could you please take a look at it? I attach the source below, showing how it was in 4.8 and how it is in 5.9 before and after my correction.
Here ist the method like it is in v4.8:
procedure TIB_CustomGrid.DoIncSearchKeyPress( var Key: char );varMatch: boolean;beginMatch := false;if ( DataLink.Dataset is TIB_BDataset ) andAssigned( DataLink.Dataset.OrderingField ) thenbeginwith DataLink.Dataset as TIB_BDataset dobeginif FGridFields.IndexOf( OrderingField ) >= 0 thenSelf.Col := GridCol[ FGridFields.IndexOf( OrderingField ) ];case Key of#08: if Length(FIncSearchText) > 0 thenSystem.Delete(FIncSearchText, Length(FIncSearchText), 1);#32..#255: if OrderingField.IsValidChar( Key ) thenFIncSearchText := FIncSearchText + Key;end;if Key = #27 thenbeginif FIncSearchText <> EmptyStr thenbeginMatch := IncSearchKey( Key, SearchKeyByKey, AllowTimeout,SeekNearest );FIncSearchText := IncSearchKeyString;//Key := #0;end;FIncSearchState := false;endelseif Prepared and(( Key in [ #08, #13 ] ) orOrderingField.IsValidChar( Key )) thenbeginif SearchKeyByKey and( OrderingField.IsText or( OrderingField.IsNumeric and( OrderingRefinePos > 0 ))) thenbeginInc( FIncSearchLevel );tryMatch := IncSearchKey( Key,SearchKeyByKey,AllowTimeout,SeekNearest );finallyDec( FIncSearchLevel );end;FIncSearchText := IncSearchKeyString;if Key = #13 thenFIncSearchState := false;//Key := #0;endelseif Key = #13 thenbeginInc( FIncSearchLevel );tryMatch := IncSearchString( FIncSearchText, 1, SeekNearest );finallyDec( FIncSearchLevel );end;//Key := #0;FIncSearchState := false;end;endelsebeginMessageBeep( 0 );//Key := #0;end;end;endelseMessageBeep( 0 );Key := #0;if FIncSearchText = '' thenMatch := false;if Assigned( FOnIncSearch ) thenFOnIncSearch( Self, FIncSearchText, Match );if not FIncSearchState thenFIncSearchText := EmptyStr;end;Here ist the method like it is in v5.9 (incsearch does not work):procedure TIB_CustomGrid.DoIncSearchKeyPress( var Key: char );varMatch: boolean;beginMatch := false;if ( DataLink.Dataset is TIB_BDataset ) andAssigned( DataLink.Dataset.OrderingField1 ) thenbeginwith DataLink.Dataset as TIB_BDataset dobeginif FGridFields.IndexOf( OrderingField1 ) >= 0 thenSelf.Col := GridCol[ FGridFields.IndexOf( OrderingField1 ) ];case Key of#08: if iboLength(FIncSearchText) > 0 theniboDelete(FIncSearchText, iboLength(FIncSearchText), 1);#32..#255: if OrderingField1.IsValidChar( Key ) thenFIncSearchText := FIncSearchText + Key;end;if Key = #27 thenbeginif FIncSearchText <> EmptyStr thenbeginMatch := IncSearchKey( Key, SearchKeyByKey, AllowTimeout,SeekNearest );FIncSearchText := IncSearchKeyString;//Key := #0;end;FIncSearchState := false;endelseif Prepared and((( Key = #08 ) or ( Key = #13 )) orOrderingField1.IsValidChar( Key )) thenbegin{!!!!if SearchKeyByKey and( OrderingField.IsText or( OrderingField.IsNumeric and( OrderingRefinePos > 0 ))) thenbeginInc( FIncSearchLevel );tryMatch := IncSearchKey( Key,SearchKeyByKey,AllowTimeout,SeekNearest );finallyDec( FIncSearchLevel );end;FIncSearchText := IncSearchKeyString;if Key = #13 thenFIncSearchState := false;//Key := #0;endelseif Key = #13 thenbeginInc( FIncSearchLevel );tryMatch := IncSearchString( FIncSearchText, 1, SeekNearest );finallyDec( FIncSearchLevel );end;//Key := #0;FIncSearchState := false;end;}endelsebeginMessageBeep( 0 );//Key := #0;end;end;endelseMessageBeep( 0 );Key := #0;if FIncSearchText = '' thenMatch := false;if Assigned( FOnIncSearch ) thenFOnIncSearch( Self, FIncSearchText, Match );if not FIncSearchState thenFIncSearchText := EmptyStr;end;And here ist the method like it is in v5.9 after my correction (incsearch does work):procedure TIB_CustomGrid.DoIncSearchKeyPress( var Key: char );varMatch: boolean;beginMatch := false;if ( DataLink.Dataset is TIB_BDataset ) andAssigned( DataLink.Dataset.OrderingField1 ) thenbeginwith DataLink.Dataset as TIB_BDataset dobeginif FGridFields.IndexOf( OrderingField1 ) >= 0 thenSelf.Col := GridCol[ FGridFields.IndexOf( OrderingField1 ) ];case Key of#08: if iboLength(FIncSearchText) > 0 theniboDelete(FIncSearchText, iboLength(FIncSearchText), 1);#32..#255: if OrderingField1.IsValidChar( Key ) thenFIncSearchText := FIncSearchText + Key;end;if Key = #27 thenbeginif FIncSearchText <> EmptyStr thenbeginMatch := IncSearchKey( Key, SearchKeyByKey, AllowTimeout,SeekNearest );FIncSearchText := IncSearchKeyString;//Key := #0;end;FIncSearchState := false;endelseif Prepared and((( Key = #08 ) or ( Key = #13 )) orOrderingField1.IsValidChar( Key )) thenbegin//{!!!!if SearchKeyByKey and( OrderingField.IsText or( OrderingField.IsNumeric and( OrderingRefinePos > 0 ))) thenbegin// Inc( FIncSearchLevel );tryMatch := IncSearchKey( Key,SearchKeyByKey,AllowTimeout,SeekNearest );finally// Dec( FIncSearchLevel );end;FIncSearchText := IncSearchKeyString;if Key = #13 thenFIncSearchState := false;//Key := #0;endelseif Key = #13 thenbegin// Inc( FIncSearchLevel );tryMatch := IncSearchString( FIncSearchText, 1, SeekNearest );finally// Dec( FIncSearchLevel );end;//Key := #0;FIncSearchState := false;end;//}endelsebeginMessageBeep( 0 );//Key := #0;end;end;endelseMessageBeep( 0 );Key := #0;if FIncSearchText = '' thenMatch := false;if Assigned( FOnIncSearch ) thenFOnIncSearch( Self, FIncSearchText, Match );if not FIncSearchState thenFIncSearchText := EmptyStr;end;