Subject [Jason] Fail to prepare sentence in all my queries after update to IBO 4.9.14
Author hamacker
Hi Jason, the happy guy :)

Sorry by incovenience, but after update to a new version IBO 4.9.14, I need
to know if you change some metohods, I explain :

Before (IBO 4.6), I was create a query in this way :

m.sql.add('WHERE id_client='+IntToStr(nId)+';');
---> m.ExecSQL;

But now, If try this query in IBO 4.9 I receive error message "fail to
prepare a sentence".
Then I need to change to :
---> m.ExecuteDDL(m.sql.text);
To run satisfatory.

The same problem when I use MyIB_SQL.Execute to exec a SP like 'EXECUTE
PROCEDURE BLABLA(...)', but now I need to change too.

I would like to know if is that right and I need to change my mind and
change all my lines to adapter to this new method, or I doing wrong or it´s
a IBO bug.

Thanks a lot,


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