Subject Error: Statement already has a cursor 1 assigned
Author m. Th.

Does someone else encountered the error bellow? Jason, it is fixed
already? I can reproduce it every time but only in a large project. If
nobody gives a light _and_ Jason is interested, I'll try to isolate the
problem and make a test case.


Exception class: EIBO_ISCError
Exception message: ISC ERROR CODE:335544569

Dynamic SQL Error
SQL error code = -502
Invalid cursor declaration
Statement already has a cursor 1 assigned

TIBOInternalDataset: "<TApplication>.dmoPostCode.ibtPrefs.IBOqribtPrefs."

Exception address: 0094513A
Stack list, generated 5/4/2009 7:08:19 μμ
[00945135]{Contacts.exe} IBODataset.TIBOInternalDataset.DoHandleError
(Line 8574, "IBODataset.pas" + 23)
[008D54EB]{Contacts.exe} IB_Components.TIB_Session.DoHandleError (Line
12952, "IB_Components.pas" + 2)
[00931E6C]{Contacts.exe} IB_Session.TIB_SessionBase.HandleException
(Line 1444, "IB_Session.pas" + 58)
IB_Components.TIB_BDataset.SysLookupKeyForBufferFields (Line 34403,
"IB_Components.pas" + 65)
IB_Components.TIB_BDataset.LookupKeyForBufferFields (Line 34249,
"IB_Components.pas" + 9)
[008FF6C6]{Contacts.exe} IB_Components.GetFinalResult (Line 31550,
"IB_Components.pas" + 1)
[008FFDA6]{Contacts.exe} IB_Components.TIB_BDataset.LocateRecord (Line
31735, "IB_Components.pas" + 168)
[00940700]{Contacts.exe} IBODataset.TIBODataset.LocateRecord (Line 6152,
"IBODataset.pas" + 2)
[00940613]{Contacts.exe} IBODataset.TIBODataset.Lookup (Line 6124,
"IBODataset.pas" + 2)
[0069D587]{Contacts.exe} DB.TField.CalcLookupValue
[006AC2F9]{Contacts.exe} DB.TDataSet.CalculateFields
[00941150]{Contacts.exe} IBODataset.TIBODataset.GetRecord (Line 6410,
"IBODataset.pas" + 53)
[006ABE38]{Contacts.exe} DB.TDataSet.GetNextRecord
[006ABD0A]{Contacts.exe} DB.TDataSet.UpdateBufferCount