Subject Re: [IBO] Where to place a global TIB_StoredProcs?
Author Woody (TMW)
> I use a TIB_StoredProc used to testing the existence of a
> partnumber in the partnumber-table.
> I've placed the TIB_StoredProc into the global datamodule and
> created a standard function, which i use all over my application.
> Function DoesPartNumberExist (PN : String) : Boolean;
> Begin
> with datamodul.StoredProc_doespartnumberexist do
> Begin
> parambyname('SEARCH').asString:=PN;
> execute;
> Result:=Boolean(fieldbyname('RESULT').AsInteger);
> End;
> End;
> Work goods, but I have a transaction problem here.
> As the application is doing an insert/update/delete to the table, the
> changes are not visible to the stored procedure. Other applications
> can see the update; even the applications IB_Grid reflects the
> changes immediately.

Are you sure the transaction that it uses in the main datamodule allows read
commited or is started just before calling the SP?

Woody (TMW)