Subject Strange thing with connection
Author dmarmur2002

I've had "lost connection" handling in my app for some time. Basically
in the IB_SessionProps "IB_SessionPropsError" event handler i do a "
if ConnectionLostErrcode( ERRCODE ) then", eat the exception and post
a message to my app to try and disconnect/reconnect. This worked
pretty ok for a time.

Now I noticed that when I sever the connection I dont get an error
event enymore! I'm not sure as to whether I changed something (don't
think so) or what. I'm currently using 4.5.Ai and things might have
changed with the update from an earlier version.

When an operation is about to begin with a severed connection the SQL
cursor shows and the application locks up. If I "Pause" in the IDE
debugger i get a CPU window with execution point at
ntdll.KiUserCallDispatcher and no call stack.

Any ideas?

