Subject | Re: [IBO] Re: Can't see buttons on TIB_UpdateBar |
Author | Helen Borrie |
Post date | 2004-07-13T06:45:07Z |
At 09:37 PM 12/07/2004 -0700, you wrote:
option. This at least will eliminate the possibility that the Windows
common controls runtimes are causing the visual breakages. You get bigger
executables but they are less vulnerable to the eddies and currents of
Microsoft library changes. (IMO, the runtime packages option has been a
crock since day one.)
> >No change. It still wants the runtime libraries. Note, there's no way anNo, go to the Packages tab and uncheck "Build with runtime packages".
> >80 Kb exe could have been built without runtime libraries!!
>Well, I guess I don't know how, then. I went into Project->Options, to the
>Linker tab, and unchecked "Use Dynamic RTL". Is there something else I need
>to do?
>Ok, I ran your EXE, and it works fine, as I expected. This further cementsIt will be worth building the app afresh without the "runtime packages"
>the fact that there's something weird in the way the my apps are getting
>compiled. I just don't know what else to try.
option. This at least will eliminate the possibility that the Windows
common controls runtimes are causing the visual breakages. You get bigger
executables but they are less vulnerable to the eddies and currents of
Microsoft library changes. (IMO, the runtime packages option has been a
crock since day one.)