Subject | Re: [IBO] Re: Can't see buttons on TIB_UpdateBar |
Author | Joe Martinez |
Post date | 2004-07-12T21:22:47Z |
>It's no good to me, as you've built it with runtime libraries. ThisHere it is again, without runtime libraries:
>**actually** could be the source of your problems, too, if you didn't
>delete the runtime libraries from your old IBO version and/or you forgot to
>give your customers the proper libraries...
This machine never had an old version of IBO on it, and the distribution of
the libraries is all handled by InstallShield that came with BCB4, so I
don't think that's the issue.
>Also, I'd hoped to reconstruct the project from the DFM file, but you'veI don't know how to tell BCB to save them any other way, but here is the
>got me there, too - you're saving your DFMs as binaries.
text of the DFM:
object Form1: TForm1
Left = 192
Top = 107
Width = 696
Height = 480
Caption = 'Form1'
Color = clBtnFace
Font.Color = clWindowText
Font.Height = -11
Font.Name = 'MS Sans Serif'
Font.Style = []
OldCreateOrder = False
OnShow = FormShow
PixelsPerInch = 96
TextHeight = 13
object IB_Grid1: TIB_Grid
Left = 0
Top = 64
Width = 681
Height = 369
CustomGlyphsSupplied = []
DataSource = IB_DataSource1
TabOrder = 0
object IB_NavigationBar1: TIB_NavigationBar
Left = 272
Top = 24
Width = 121
Height = 25
Ctl3D = False
ParentCtl3D = False
TabOrder = 1
DataSource = IB_DataSource1
ReceiveFocus = False
CustomGlyphsSupplied = []
object IB_UpdateBar1: TIB_UpdateBar
Left = 416
Top = 24
Width = 121
Height = 25
Ctl3D = False
ParentCtl3D = False
TabOrder = 2
DataSource = IB_DataSource1
ReceiveFocus = False
CustomGlyphsSupplied = []
object IB_Database1: TIB_Database
LoginPrompt = True
Params.Strings = (
Left = 48
Top = 24
object IB_Query1: TIB_Query
DatabaseName = 'c:\employee.gdb'
IB_Connection = IB_Database1
SQL.Strings = (
'select * from employee')
ColorScheme = False
MasterSearchFlags = [msfOpenMasterOnOpen, msfSearchAppliesToMasterOnly]
RequestLive = True
BufferSynchroFlags = []
FetchWholeRows = True
Left = 136
Top = 24
object IB_DataSource1: TIB_DataSource
Dataset = IB_Query1
Left = 200
Top = 24