Subject | IBO4_5_Ah_Full, IB_Grid decimal separator management broken |
Author | Marco Menardi |
Post date | 2004-11-26T18:17:49Z |
Hi Jason :), Delphi 6
Your modification in IB_Grid.pas code for managing decimal separator
is broken, now if I enter the "." in my numeric keyboard is no longer
converted in ",", and so is not accepted for the numeric field.
You have now:
if (SelectedField.IsNumeric) and (Key in ['.', ',']) and
not (Key in [DecimalSeparator, ThousandSeparator]) then
Key := DecimalSeparator
In Italy we have "," as decimal separator, but "." as thousand
separator. Unfortunatly, our numeric keypad has ".", so it has to be
translated by program code (Windows is too lazy for that).
So "not (Key in [DecimalSeparator, ThousandSeparator])" is always
false, and no conversion is applied.
In addition, there is a minor error in the italian constant
translation, that makes the compilation impossible:
you have:
M_SB_REC_CNT = 'Record contati: %d'
without a final ";"
Best regards
Marco Menardi, Delphi 6
Your modification in IB_Grid.pas code for managing decimal separator
is broken, now if I enter the "." in my numeric keyboard is no longer
converted in ",", and so is not accepted for the numeric field.
You have now:
if (SelectedField.IsNumeric) and (Key in ['.', ',']) and
not (Key in [DecimalSeparator, ThousandSeparator]) then
Key := DecimalSeparator
In Italy we have "," as decimal separator, but "." as thousand
separator. Unfortunatly, our numeric keypad has ".", so it has to be
translated by program code (Windows is too lazy for that).
So "not (Key in [DecimalSeparator, ThousandSeparator])" is always
false, and no conversion is applied.
In addition, there is a minor error in the italian constant
translation, that makes the compilation impossible:
you have:
M_SB_REC_CNT = 'Record contati: %d'
without a final ";"
Best regards
Marco Menardi