Subject RE: [IBO] IBO4_5_Ah_Full, IB_Grid decimal separator management broken
Author Jason Wharton
Thank you, I will double check the user contributions and make sure I merged
them correctly. I probably did something wrong in my merge.

About the decimal separator, what do you recommend be done to resolve this
while also still being flexible as the person desired?


> -----Original Message-----
> From: Marco Menardi [mailto:mmenaz@...]
> Sent: Friday, November 26, 2004 11:18 AM
> To:
> Subject: [IBO] IBO4_5_Ah_Full, IB_Grid decimal separator management
> broken
> Hi Jason :)
>, Delphi 6
> Your modification in IB_Grid.pas code for managing decimal separator
> is broken, now if I enter the "." in my numeric keyboard is no longer
> converted in ",", and so is not accepted for the numeric field.
> You have now:
> if (SelectedField.IsNumeric) and (Key in ['.', ',']) and
> not (Key in [DecimalSeparator, ThousandSeparator]) then
> Key := DecimalSeparator
> In Italy we have "," as decimal separator, but "." as thousand
> separator. Unfortunatly, our numeric keypad has ".", so it has to be
> translated by program code (Windows is too lazy for that).
> So "not (Key in [DecimalSeparator, ThousandSeparator])" is always
> false, and no conversion is applied.
> In addition, there is a minor error in the italian constant
> translation, that makes the compilation impossible:
> you have:
> M_SB_REC_CNT = 'Record contati: %d'
> without a final ";"
> Best regards
> Marco Menardi
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