Subject Re: [IBO] Questions about IncSearching
Author Helen Borrie
At 07:22 PM 11/07/2003 +0200, you wrote:
>At 17:33 11.07.2003, you wrote:
> > >
> > >Digging I though it might have something to do with OrderingRefinePos.
> > >But it seems changing that property is impossible, it always stays at 0.
> > >
> > >Ordering Links are defined and active.
> > >
> > >The buton search code:
> > >
> > >procedure TfrmAdressen.tbAlphaClick(Sender: TObject);
> > >begin
> > > qryAdressen.IncSearchString(TToolButton(Sender).Caption, 0, False);
> > >end;
> >What happens if you change the StartRowNum argument to 1?
> >
> >Helen
>Nothing. Same problem as before.
>Do Rows start at 1 and not at 0?

The first Rownum is 1, I believe.

>Also it doesn't happen if I have scrolled at least once.
>Sometimes when I change the active ordering (via searchbar) I also have to
>press the Button twice.
>But this only hapens a few times.

Then it looks as if the problem *might be* around the positioning of the
buffer cursor and the timing of your call to qryAdressen.Search. Can you
do a trace to check the value of the IncSearchKeyString at the time when
the unexpected behaviour occurs?

I'm reaching for things here, but maybe you need to call IncSearchKey
rather than IncSearchString, if you are passing only a single character to
the search. You can pass a Boolean Timeout argument to IncSearchKey. I
don't know if this is relevant to your case, because I can't tell from your
description whether each character-buttonclick is intended to create a
self-contained search argument or whether your code is designed to add a
character to the search argument on each character-buttonclick.
