Subject Questions about IncSearching
Author Christian Mautendorfer

been working on this for an hour or more now and haven't found a solution :(.

(D6sp2, Ie IBO)

I have made a button bar at the top of my app that has one Toolbar for each
Now when I press a toolbar the query should jump to that letter.

The strange thing is that it never works on the first click of a button
after the form is created. After one click all others work fine,
but the first click never does anything.

In the incremental search that is liked it also starts up on the second
letter unless I push one of the buttons first, then it works on the first

Digging I though it might have something to do with OrderingRefinePos.
But it seems changing that property is impossible, it always stays at 0.

Ordering Links are defined and active.

The buton search code:

procedure TfrmAdressen.tbAlphaClick(Sender: TObject);
qryAdressen.IncSearchString(TToolButton(Sender).Caption, 0, False);

