Subject Re: [IBO] Questions about IncSearching
Author Helen Borrie
At 05:14 PM 11/07/2003 +0200, you wrote:
>been working on this for an hour or more now and haven't found a solution :(.
>(D6sp2, Ie IBO)
>I have made a button bar at the top of my app that has one Toolbar for each
>Now when I press a toolbar the query should jump to that letter.
>The strange thing is that it never works on the first click of a button
>after the form is created. After one click all others work fine,
>but the first click never does anything.
>In the incremental search that is liked it also starts up on the second
>letter unless I push one of the buttons first, then it works on the first
>Digging I though it might have something to do with OrderingRefinePos.
>But it seems changing that property is impossible, it always stays at 0.
>Ordering Links are defined and active.
>The buton search code:
>procedure TfrmAdressen.tbAlphaClick(Sender: TObject);
> qryAdressen.IncSearchString(TToolButton(Sender).Caption, 0, False);
What happens if you change the StartRowNum argument to 1?
