Subject | Re: [IBO] Problem with param value |
Author | Holger Klemt |
Post date | 2002-08-06T21:06:20Z |
i found it :-)
the error code was 335544321
and i googled it on
i found, that there were some inserts from generator values
in a table with a 32-Bit integer field.
The strange thing was: the generator was set on the server
to 10 billion and locally to 1 billion. On the Server, there
was a problem, locally not.
just to let everybody know: read error message numbers
IBExpert - The most Expert for InterBase ---
HK Software - Holger Klemt - Huntestrasse 15 - D-26135 Oldenburg
Telefon Telefax +49 700 IBEXPERT (42397378)
Schulungen - Projektunterst�tzung - Delphi - InterBase - AS/400
""Helen Borrie (TeamIBO)"" <helebor@...> schrieb im Newsbeitrag
the error code was 335544321
and i googled it on
i found, that there were some inserts from generator values
in a table with a 32-Bit integer field.
The strange thing was: the generator was set on the server
to 10 billion and locally to 1 billion. On the Server, there
was a problem, locally not.
just to let everybody know: read error message numbers
IBExpert - The most Expert for InterBase ---
HK Software - Holger Klemt - Huntestrasse 15 - D-26135 Oldenburg
Telefon Telefax +49 700 IBEXPERT (42397378)
Schulungen - Projektunterst�tzung - Delphi - InterBase - AS/400
""Helen Borrie (TeamIBO)"" <helebor@...> schrieb im Newsbeitrag
> At 03:53 PM 31-07-02 +0200, you wrote:values(:id,:field1,:field2,:field3)
> >i have one problem:
> >
> >i need a query for a table, which is created automatically
> >(for any table structure)
> >
> >for example
> >
> >select id,field1,field2,field3 from tbl where id=123
> >
> >this is opened in q1:TIB_Query
> >
> >
> >
> >with the next SQL i want to create automatically an insert statement
> >(using q2:TIB_Query)
> >
> >insert into tbl(id,field1,field2,field3)
> >values.
> >
> >now i want to send each value from the first query
> >
> >for i:=0 to q1.fieldcount-1 do q2.params[i].value:=q1.fields[i].value;
> >
> >and execute this.
> >
> >
> >
> >When i was using ibx, it was no problem, when when i was
> >using ibo, it gave me a arithmeitc truncation, ..... error, but i don4t
> >know, on which field.
> >
> >ibx version runs fine with all datatypes (also blob and other).
> >
> >
> >any idea ?
> Just ideas to consider - there's not enough information here to pinpoint
> the exact problem.
> The pertinent difference between IBX and native IBO here is that IBX will
> reference a TField descendant, whereas IBO doesn't use persistent field
> objects at all. You are getting the potential for run-time casting errors
> because your code is using the Value method of the params[] and fields[]
> objects of two different dataset objects. Value delivers variants, not
> typed values; and by separating the first dataset from the second, the
> second dataset has nothing to refer to when it needs to typecast the
> As a guess, it's possible that you have an integer overflow here - perhaps
> the second dataset is trying to push a 64-bit integer into a parameter
> which it thinks is 32-bit...but it might well be a string overflow if you
> are using Firebird 1 with large varchars...or a miscasting of a numeric or
> integer to a float or double.
> If possible, you should keep the Insert operation inside the context of
> first dataset and use its InsertSQL property to perform yourperform
> insert. Passing parameters from one dataset to another in order to
> a DML operation on the same row is not very IBO-like. Is there anyspecial
> reason why you need a scrollable dataset to perform a DML query?___________________________________________________________________________
> regards,
> Helen Borrie (TeamIBO Support)
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