Subject update a register
Author Ronaldo Rezende Vilela Luiz
The buttom update of my updatebar is disable. Will I must click in the
"generate for table" button in the UpdateSQL tab of the form "query edit" to
use the button update of ib_updatebar? I think that somebody tell me that
the UpdateSQL was make internally by the IBO and isn't necessary to put
EditSQL, InsertSQL and DeleteSQL propertys. The options SyncBefore Edit,
Sync After Edit and Sync AfterInsert is necessary?

Ronaldo Rezende
Analista e desenvolvedor de sistemas
e solu��es Desktop, Client / Server,
Internet, Intranet.
Uberaba, MG - Brasil
2� Per�odo de Sistemas de Informa��o
Universidade de Uberaba