Subject Is there some bugs in tib_label?
Author Ronaldo Rezende Vilela Luiz
When I use the tib_label connected an any focuscontrol, many strange thinks
occurred. One of this thinks are: the autosize property do not work
correctely. When my form is open and my ib_query is open, the object
tib_label is with a size short then the necessary to show the correct label
that I have configured in tib_query. Some problems occurr with tib_label
connected a ib_loockupCombo. With this component, the value of the
ib_label.caption, is wrong. (It has a value of another tib_query with the
same colunm name).

Ronaldo Rezende
Analista e desenvolvedor de sistemas
e solu��es Desktop, Client / Server,
Internet, Intranet.
Uberaba, MG - Brasil
2� Per�odo de Sistemas de Informa��o
Universidade de Uberaba