Subject Connecting to Remote Host
Author Linda Berry
I need to get info from the user and then connect to the remote server.
I hard coded appropriate info and it will not connect to the server.
Here is what I have:
fIBDatabase.Connected := FALSE;
fIBDatabase.Server := '';
fIBDatabase.DatabaseName := 'Employee';
fIBDatabase.Protocol := cpTCP_IP;
fIBDatabase.Database := '\Program Files\common Files\borland
fIBDatabase.Path := '\Program Files\common Files\borland
fIBDatabase.Password := 'masterkey';
fIBDatabase.Connected := TRUE;
This give an error on the Connected := TRUE line
ISC Error Code 335544375
ISC ERROR MESSAGE: unavailable database

I am in Delphi 5, using IBO 4.2.Fn on Interbase 6 Open Source

Does anyone have any idea what I am doing wrong here?
Your help is appreciated,