Subject Cursors and SQL parsing...
Author Martijn Tonies

I've noticed that when IBO opens a cursor (whatever component) it parses the
SQL quite a lot.

Executing the following statement in IBO (IB_ISQL):

select * from employee
order by emp_no asc 423423

Succeeds just fine. The statement that goes to the server is:

select * from employee
order by emp_no asc

Obviously, this can be a problem with IB6.5, a query like this:

select * from employee
order by emp_no asc
rows 1 to 5

goes to the server like:

select * from employee
order by emp_no asc

Comments anyone?
Martijn Tonies
InterBase Workbench - the developer tool for InterBase and Firebird

Upscene Productions

"This is an object-oriented system.
If we change anything, the users object."