Subject Re: [IBO] IBO service app problem - prevents NT shutdown
Author Tomas MichalĂ­k
Hi Jason,

Jason Wharton wrote:
> I've discovered the same problem and I am still working on resolving it.
> If anyone has any ideas what would cause this I am keenly interested.
> Note: For me it only seems to interrupt a log-out from a logged in console
> session but a request to shut the server down is respected.

Yes, you are right. Shutdown is respected, logoff is not. When trying
different things I deleted the call to inherited ServiceShutdown handler
in my descendant ...

However I tried to look for some solution in the news archive and
although I've seen a few suggestions, nothing works on my NT4-SP6. Then
I found out that simply running the service as non-interactive helps
(logoff succeeds). I also found that on NT4 it is not recommended to run
interactive services containing controls from comctl32.dll (see;EN-US;Q238721).
As I don't need an interactive service at the moment I can use what's
currently avilable.



Tomas Michalik
ProCA, s. r. o.
V Luzich 818, Praha 4
Czech Republic

e-mail: michalik@...
tel: +420 2 67283446