Subject | Re: [IBO] Sample IBOQuery (project) questions |
Author | |
Post date | 2001-10-05T09:31:21Z |
> Yes, IBO certainly is powerful, everything worked okay, and I can seeIn IBO3.6 everthing just opened automatically, but there
> the data in the IB_Grid. However, when I press F9, no data in the grid. I
> guess it is that 'PasswordRemembered' thing you mentioned.
> > Run the program ( Helen may need to add a note here - on
> > Builder my connections stay open so everthing works 'from
> > the box' but we may need to add something to open the
> > connection in Delphi - its the new 'PasswordRemembered'
> > stuff which is being too clever at times )
were compalaints about security, so the extra facilities
were added. I think you need to add a line in OnCreateForm
to open the connection now. In Builder it's just
think you need
and then the login prompt will pop up when you start the
Lester Caine
L.S.Caine Electronic Services