Subject Re: [IBO] Geekwear
Author Svein Erling Tysvær
>>We want merchandise (geekwear)!!!!!!!!!! Jason :-)
>Who wants geekwear? who would buy an IBO T-shirt if we ordered some?
>How about Polar Fleece IBO sweatshirts? with matching geek ear-muffs <g>

For me, it all depends on price, payment and delivery. No way will I fly to
the US to pay and pick up a t-shirt or Polar Fleece IBO, but I've noticed
lately that my wardrobe needs refreshing and I'm not ashamed of IBO - so if
it's not too expensive including shipment, of proper IBO quality and it is
possible to pay securely through VISA on the Internet without having any
American zip code or live in any of their states, I will consider it. And
if it was guaranteed that all people involved in producing the
sweather/t-shirt had decent wages and were treated fairly, it would even be
likely that I'd buy one.

I think I'd have to be convinced by a picture to buy the ear-muffs, though...