Subject Re: [IBO] ANN: Making old databases conform to new metadata
Author Rob Schuff

how about some screen shots and a trial version? What about dependencies?
does it perform changes in the correct order?


----- Original Message -----
From: <roger@...>
To: <>
Sent: Monday, December 18, 2000 9:12 AM
Subject: [IBO] ANN: Making old databases conform to new metadata

> Our IBUpdata utility is now available at
> You point the utility at your latest version (the model), and at an
> out-of-date target, and it updates the target metadata to agree with
> the model. Data is manipulated to conform, including field order and
> data types. A full progress and exception report is generated as it
> goes.
> It allows you to create and save schedules of renamed fields, and will
> transfer relevant data to the new fields. It currently works with IB
> 5.6 and 6 Dialect 1. We have not used it or tested it on dialect 3
> or alternate character sets or collation orders.
> This has saved us many days hard labour bringing clients up to new
> versions. If our apps work well with the source database, then we can
> be confident they will work with the converted target. At only US$
> 120, it pays for itself within a few hours of downloading.
> Here are the functions, any or all of which can be selected for each
> run.
> Drop Views, Drop Triggers. Drop Procedures, Drop Foreign Keys, Drop
> Indices, Drop Exceptions, Create New Domains, Create External
> Functions, Update Generators, Update Tables, Create Exceptions,
> Create Indices, Create Foreign Keys, Create Views, Create Procedures,
> Create Triggers, Drop Redundant Tables, Grant Permissions, Hide
> Procedure Source.