Subject [ANN] DBTools Manager Professional 3.1.0 Released
Author DBTools Software
DBTools Software is proud to announce the release of the awaited DBManager
Professional 3.1.0 version.
This version brings new and improved features, see a short list below.


- Added support for Sybase 11.9 (*)
- Added support for Oracle (*)
- Added support for ODBC (*)
- Updated the support for MySQL 5, PostgreSQL 8, SQlite 3.2 to include all
new features available in these versions
- New Stored Procedure Development IDE (*)
- Query Planner (*) (similar to MSSQL Server Enterprise Manager) and Query
Debugger (*): to help develop, test and analyze queries
- Object Dependencies Browser (*): visual tool to view all objects
- Database Control Version System (*): keep track of database versions,
allowing to dump databases in different versions. Also it is possible to
generate diff from different versions and upgrade/downgrade databases
- Workgroup Client and Server (*): this makes possible to share information
like queries, diagrams, forms, reports, server connections parameters,
tasks, etc, among a group of users
- New Database Migration Wizard (*): to help move structure and data from
one database to another
- And much more

(*) Enterprise Edition only

This versions brings an extensive list of improvements and bug fixes. To see
the complete log history check

What is DBTools Manager Professional?

DBTools Manager is an application to manage MySQL, PostgreSQL, SQlite, Xbase
Tables, Interbase, Firebird, MSAccess, Sybase, MSSQL Server, Oracle and ODBC
databases, available only for Windows systems. These are some of its

- MDI Tab View user Interface compatible with .NET applications and highly
- Manage databases, tables, indexes, foreign keys, stored procedures,
functions, triggers, domains, and more
- Manage MySQL through webservices, soon for other engines too
- Import and Export data: MSAccess, ODBC, Xbase Tables, Paradox, FoxPro,
MSExcel, Text and XML files
- Query Builder and Query Designer, with multiple results, planner and
- Datasheet View for table data editing with Memo and Blob capabilities
(includes image viewer)
- Database Compare (*)
- Diagram Designer (*)
- Task Builder to process automation (*)
- Database Console
- Database Documenter
- Web Script Generator Wizard to create PHP and ASP scripts for the web
- Server, Database and Table Monitoring (*)
- Form and Report Builders (*)
- and much more

(*) Enterprise Edition only

For a complete list of features check
The Freeware Edition is now available for downloading at

Best Regards,

DBTools Software