Subject ANN: IBUtils - new version of FREE IB/FB table links viewer
Author aleskahanek
I would like to announce new version of IBUtils - FREE IB/FB database
schema viewer for Firebird and Interbase.

The application IBUtils is designed for simlifying database design for
Interbase and Firebird databases by showing the links between the
tables in your database visually, like some CASE tools do. Every
change to the tables in your database made by other tools can be
refreshed by one mouse click.

You can create tables and tables links, create or drop fields, create
indexes, reorder fields etc. You can quickly run SQL scripts against
the database. All changes to database are logged to a file so you can
easily reproduce the changes on another database.

You can create custom notes with descriptions of tables or fields and
also custom links (links which are displayed only in the model and are
not saved in the database).

You can easily browse the database tables data, insert, edit or delete
records. The table data can be exported to Excel, Word, RTF, HTML,
DBF, TXT, CSV, DIFF, Sylk, LaTeX, SQL or Clipboard.

You can easily print the database model or export the model image to
clipboard or JPG image etc.

There is a new download location:

Best Regards
Ales Kahanek

20-Jul-2005 version

New features
- Show Grid - if you use Snap To Grid option, then you can find
usefull to show the grid (dotted matrix on the model background). This
option is set and saved to each model separately.
- Show System Domains - there is new option in the Options dialog
"Show System Domains", that can show/hide system domains in the table
domain column. Generaly one does not care about the system domains
like RDB$1287 etc. When this options is unchecked, only user defined
options are showed (for example DM_BOOLEAN) and empty string is used
for system domains.
- Combined Types/Domains - there is new option in the Options dialog
"Combined Types/Domains". When this option is checked then the Type is
displayed if the domain is "RDB$...", otherwise the Domain is
displayed in a single column.
- Edit descriptions - you can double click the table title to show
"Description dialog" end edit the table description. Similarly double
click the field to edit field description.