Subject internal gds software consistency check (cannot find tip page (165)
Author maik.sommer667
hello there,

i have a huge problem here in germany. today our firebird server restartet due to an unknown hdd-error. for now, the server is up and running fine, without any errors. checkdisk & the raid console are not reporting any hardware-errors or errors in the file system.

connecting to the database returns the following error in the firebird.log: internal gds software consistency check (cannot find tip page (165)

gfix & gbak are returning the same error. just in time i am using "Firebird FirstAID 2.02" to analyze the database.

in case that this fails, does anyone have any idea how the database can be fixed?

here are some informations:

Database Size is ~42 Gb
Firebird Version is
OS is Windows 2003 Server SP2

Greetings from Germany

Maik S.