Subject Re: [firebird-support] internal gds software consistency check (cannot find tip page (165)
Author Ann Harrison
On Wed, Aug 3, 2011 at 9:06 AM, maik.sommer667 <Maik.Sommer@...> wrote:

> i have a huge problem here in germany. today our firebird server restartet
> due to an unknown hdd-error. for now, the server is up and running fine,
> without any errors. checkdisk & the raid console are not reporting any
> hardware-errors or errors in the file system.
> connecting to the database returns the following error in the firebird.log:
> internal gds software consistency check (cannot find tip page (165)
> gfix & gbak are returning the same error. just in time i am using "Firebird
> FirstAID 2.02" to analyze the database.
> in case that this fails, does anyone have any idea how the database can be
> fixed?

Your best bet is to set the database to readonly, IBSurgeon can do it (I
think) or you can use a hex editor on the first 1024Kb of the file - that's
the first part of the header page, defined in ods.h. Be sure not to switch
the wrong bits! Once the database is readonly, you'll be able to back it up
with gbak and recreate it.

Good luck,



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