Subject Classic Server
Author Kevin Stanton
Good Morning,

I tried Classic Server years ago but ran into issues (can't find my notes as
to what) so I had to switch to SuperServer. I also believe that I was using
FB 1.03 (Win32) for a customer with dialect 1.
Since then I've upgraded them to FB 1.56 SS and migrated the FDB to dialect

My client is going to implement a new server and I'm considering Classic
once again as there are a couple of nasty reports in my app that are CPU
intensive (I have to try to optimize when I find a spare minute). My
recollection is that Classic processes do not influence each other so if one
of the ugly reports is run, the other users won't be affected.

The environment is Windows 2003 R2 Server 64-bit with about 50-60
connections. My app is Delphi and currently converting from IBO to IBDAC
(continuing long process). I have to stay with FB 32-bit for now until I
can replace the few FreeUDFLib functions used in the database. I may try to
do this before they bring up the new server so I can use FB 64-bit.

I've read the comparisons on the web site and it looks like anything after
1.5 for Classic is mature and stable. And with Classic you can't perform
backup/restore programmatically over the network, you have to be local on
the server. It looks like Classic can handle multiple CPUs better than
Superserver and events can't be used if the server is behind a firewall or
secure tunnel. (everyone is on the same side of the firewall in this case)

It would be nice hear of anyone with experience between moving between the
two architectures and if there is anything else I need to be aware of.

Thanks in advance,