Subject Classic Server
Author Robert Dollinger

I have encountered the following error with the classic server:

OperationalError: (-923, 'isc_attach_database: \n connection rejected
by remote interface')

It happens on my computer after opening more than 44 connection to the
DB with Classic Server. Probably it depends on the hardware resources
even tough I have still 1 GB of Ram free after 44 active connections.
With the SuperServer there are no problems opening more then 450
connections. I have tested it in python and Delphi with the same
behaviour. I have also tested with a sleep time of 10 seconds after each
connection, but unfortunately with the same result.

Example Code in Python:

import kinterbasdb

for i in xrange(50):
database=r'c:\test.fdb', user='SYSDBA', password='masterke',
charset='UTF8', dialect=3))

My Hardware:
Firebird Server 2.1.1
P4 3 GHz
2 GB Ram

DB-Size 22 MB
Page size 8192
Page buffers 50

Any ideas why this happens?
