Subject Re: [firebird-support] How to update data?
Author W O
Thank you very much Woody, it works perfectly well.


On Tue, Apr 5, 2011 at 1:00 PM, Woody <woody-tmw@...> wrote:

> From: "W O" <sistemas2000profesional@...>
> Sent: Tuesday, April 05, 2011 11:41 AM
> To: <>
> Subject: Re: [firebird-support] How to update data?
> > Hello Woody
> >
> > It works very well when there are dates, but the column LastDate can not
> > be
> > null.
> >
> > The PRODUCTS table has the column FirstDate, too.
> >
> > How would be the sentence if:
> > - There are dates in MOVIMCAB then update PRODUCTS.LASTDATE with the last
> > date of MOVIMCAB for that product
> > - There are not dates in MOVIMCAB, then update PRODUCTS.LASTDATE with
> >
> Try using COALESCE: (not sure it will work in this situation though)
> Update Products A set A.LastDate = (Select COALESCE(Max(B.Date),
> A.FirstDate) from MovimCab B
> Inner Join MovimDet C on (B.Movim_ID = C.Movim_ID) and (C.Product_ID =
> A.Product_ID))
> If this doesn't work, you might have to resort to creating a stored
> procedure that you could run instead.
> Woody (TMW)

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