Subject Restore cant complete - halting with errors
Author Michael Vilhelmsen

I have a customer where the server (I beleive) is somewhat gone bad.

On this server there runs Firebird SS 1.5.

I cant login to this server due to tha fact that the customer has forgotten the password (or the entire login process is corrupted).

Anyway - I did manage to do a GBAK Backup.
But the result gives these errors when restoring under Firebird 2.1:

gbak: 320000 records restored
gbak:committing data for table POINT_KVIT
gbak: 325953 records restored
gbak:do not recognize table attribute 0 -- continuing
gbak:do not recognize table attribute 0 -- continuing
gbak:do not recognize table attribute 0 -- continuing
gbak:do not recognize table attribute 0 -- continuing
gbak:do not recognize table attribute 0 -- continuing
gbak:do not recognize table attribute 0 -- continuing
gbak:do not recognize table attribute 0 -- continuing
gbak:restoring data for table POINT_KVIT
gbak: 10000 records restored
gbak: 20000 records restored
gbak: 30000 records restored


gbak:restoring data for table TRANSAKTIONER
gbak:adjusting an invalid decompression length from 73 to 63
gbak:restore failed for record in table TRANSAKTIONER
gbak: ERROR:value exceeds the range for valid dates
gbak:committing data for table TRANSAKTIONER
gbak: 6085 records restored
gbak:do not recognize table attribute 0 -- continuing
gbak:do not recognize table attribute 0 -- continuing
gbak:do not recognize table attribute 0 -- continuing
gbak:do not recognize table attribute 0 -- continuing
gbak:do not recognize table attribute 0 -- continuing
gbak: ERROR:string truncated
gbak:Exiting before completion due to errors

On Firebird 1.5.5 I just get a message saying that GBAK has encountered an error and the process has been terminated.

I have done some googling.
And here:

I can read that it could be a memory related problem.

Can anyone confirm this?

My colleque is taking the server home.
So tomorrow will try to move the harddrive from this server to another and there do an backup/restore cycle.

Any idea if this should be succesfull?

Then - As any good customer they do a backup of the server each day. Except they do not check it and therefor the last good backup was taken december 15. 2008 :)
