Subject Re: Kubuntu 9.10 AMD64 problem in installing FirebirdSS-
Author raja_s_patil
Thanks Philippe,

> get the one from 9.04

yes I will try this option. I will try to get compat-glibc.deb from 9.04
and install it on 9.1 and let u know.

> cf

This I have tried but do not work with either repository or tar.gz
install of FB 2.1.3.

> or
> or wait Ubuntu fixe this

Suggestions here also wont help.

> or change distro ;)
> (Debian or Ubuntu LTS can be a better choice still in the Debian world)

U know problems in this so u smiled and I took it as
joking suggestion. this would be the last resort I am
not ignoring this option.

> or use/wait for the Fiebird Debian/Ubuntu package

Well we dont know their priorities for this and we have
our own schedules.
> or build it yourself

Yes this is the option I am going to try now. Hope community
will help me in this. I have not compiled any package from
sources before to I have to start from scratch. If I am
successful I will let u know.

BTW another option struck me is If anybody actively contributing
to FB who has experience in Compiling FB and has shifted to
KUbuntu 9.10 is in position to spare some time and compile it
and post link here would help persons like me a lot.

Thanks and best regards

