Subject database and structure problem
Author Olaf Kluge

I have a database server, firebird 2.1 superserver.

A procedure of the database does create job-positions in a separate table,
based on the predetermined positions 1 through n. As long as the database is
a small size, the procedure worked fine. Now that the database has become a
bigger size, the procedure sometimes forgets the last position. After the
database is compressed and restored, it works fine again.

The database structure was not created by me, but it is now my task

I have had this problem in other projects, that the database doesn’t works
fine if the size has grown.

Thank you for your help.

Mit freundlichen Grüßen/with best regards

SATRON Sachsen
Steuerungstechnik GmbH

Olaf Kluge

Fon +49 (0) 37 25/ 35 06-31
Fax +49 (0) 37 25/ 35 06-12
Mob +49 (0) 1 70/ 92 92 375
E-Mail: <mailto:olaf.kluge@...> olaf.kluge@...


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Geschäftsführer: Bernd Grötzschel, Gerd Kaden
Sitz: D-09405 Zschopau, Johann-Gottlob-Pfaff-Straße 7
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