Subject Re: [firebird-support] Full Text Searching for Firebird 2?
Author Nols Smit

On Tamarack's web site (, the application "Sageolit Uses Rubicon" uses FireBird, IntraWeb and ReportBuilder componets. Currently I'm using IBX 7.08 drivers, without connection pooling, but will soon convert to IBO, with connection pooling. Quarterly we distribute the application, via CD, to some countries in Africa where internet bandwidth is poor. This stand-alone version needs no installation because I use FireBird's embedded version and the operating system's location for temporary internet files (html files produced by ReportBuilder).


Nols Smit

----- Original Message -----
From: Zd
Sent: 19 September, 2007 12:06 AM
Subject: [firebird-support] Full Text Searching for Firebird 2?

Hi guys!

I'm developing a document management system and I need to provide full text search among documents.

In order to accomplish this, I'm storing the content of each document in plain text format in a BLOB field of a Firebird table.

The question is, as I have heard Firebird doesn't have full text searching capabilities.

Which is the best third party solution for this?

Here are a few I've found, but none of them seems perfect. Does anyone have any experience with these or maybe another solution?


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