Subject Re: [firebird-support] Re: Strange Firebird Connectivity Problem
Author Max Renshaw-Fox
So you need to override the "default", which is now set to 3051, on
machine "E" only (as the other app probably doesn't have this ability).

We, for historical reasons, do this in an .ini file - if the file exists -
and it has the override entry - we change the port in our connect string.

This has become more of an issue since firebird has become more popular.


>> The server was listening to port 3051 instead of the default 3050
>> (for a reason you should find out before breaking anything). Your
>> application can tell the client library which port to use. If it
>> doesn't, it will assume the default.
> Yes. This is my understanding so far.
>> The syntax is
>> [ServerHostName][/Port]:[PathOrAlias]
>> eg
>> MyServer/3051:MyDB
>> The port is only required if it is something other than 3050
> Thank you for the reminder.
>> Out of curiousity, why does the database server need to be installed
>> on the workstations? All you need for a client install is the client
>> library (fbclient or gds32) and a few dlls (don't quote me, but from
>> memory msvcrt.dll and msvcp60.dll) in the same folder as your
>> application.
>> A workstation doesn't need a firebird.conf (unless it is the server).
> Um... probably the earlier explanation was a bit unclear.
> Let me try again:
> - There are five machines on the network: A, B, C, D, E.
> - A is where i installed Firebird Server.
> - On B, C, D, and E, i installed my client app which consists of
> only two files : my EXE and FBCLIENT.dll.
> - B, C, D works without problem, but E would not connect to A.
> - Found out that someone installed (a program that uses) Firebird to E,
> and that the firebird.conf on E is set to use nonstandard port number.
> - Overriding (or returning the RemoteServicePort value to the default)
> fixed the problem. My app can now connect to A from E. But apparently
> this breaks the existing (third party, i don't know the details)
> application installed on E.
> Regards,
> t.s.