Subject Re: [firebird-support] Re: Another "connection forcibly closed by the remote host" problem
Author Bogusław Brandys
Scott Moon wrote:
> OK - I've got new information on our system. Instead of MS 2003 Virtual
> Server, we are have Win 2003 Standard Edition Server running in a virtual
> machine on VMWare ESX Server running on a Linux box. Does this, by any wild
> chance, make this problem more accessible? ;-)
> Scott

Don't know ESX ,but maybe it's worth to check this:
and :

Hope ,it helps.


> On 5/30/06, Scott Moon <smoon63@...> wrote:
>> We haven't tried the ping request yet, but we will. Our lead developer
>> just reminded me that the server experiencing this problem has been used as
>> a test platform for well over six months, and this problem had not occurred
>> before. The 60 minute timeout was never explicitly tested for, but you would
>> expect that over a six month period connections would be left open for over
>> an hour many times. I still need to sit down with our network admin to see
>> if he made any changes to the setup in the period immediately before we made
>> the switch, but at last check he couldn't recall changing anything that
>> should affect connection timeouts.
>> For what it's worth, DatabaseWorkbench just dropped the error on me again
>> when I returned from lunch. I was connected to the database, had run a
>> couple of queries and then closed the SQL window but left DBW connected to
>> the DB. Back from lunch, I opened a new SQL query window and tried to run a
>> simple SELECT and got the "connection forcibly closed" error again. If
>> nothing else, the problem is consistent.
>> Scott
>> On 5/30/06, Woody <woody-tmw@...> wrote:
>>> Scott,
>>> After running as many variations of the tests that I could (it was a
>>> holiday weekend after all) I could not duplicate the problem. Even the
>>> inital test of just the IBOConsole seeemed to work fine now. I also had
>>> access to the Windows 2003 Standard server at one of my clients through
>>> terminal services. I tried different combinations on that server and it
>>> all
>>> seemed to work fine. I am beginning to think, like the others, that this
>>> is
>>> strictly an issue with the virtual server edition and timing but I don't
>>> have access to a 2003 Virtual server. I am going to continue to run
>>> random
>>> testing as much as possible to see if I can "make" it fail in some way.
>>> Have you tried implementing a simple ping request as I suggested
>>> earlier? You can use the TPing component of ICS to set up a simple ping
>>> if
>>> the application is idle after so much time. I use it when my
>>> applications
>>> first start to ping the server before even trying to connect. It might
>>> keep
>>> whatever is timing out from doing so without causing any other problems
>>> since it doesn't care about databases.
>>> Woody (TMW)
>>> ----- Original Message -----
>>> From: "Scott Moon" <smoon63@...>
>>> To: < >
>>> Sent: Tuesday, May 30, 2006 10:56 AM
>>> Subject: Re: [firebird-support] Re: Another "connection forcibly closed
>>> by
>>> the remote host" problem
>>> Woody,
>>> I haven't made any more headway on this end. We had added a keep-alive
>>> query
>>> routine in our in-house application, but it inexplcably caused a major
>>> bug
>>> in one of the program modules that caused us to turn the keep-alive off.
>>> I
>>> was just wondering if you had a chance over the weekend to run any of
>>> the
>>> tests, and if so, what the results were.
>>> Still hacking away at it,
>>> Scott
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