Subject Another "connection forcibly closed by the remote host" problem
Author Scott Moon
We're stumped.

We have two older client/server applications written in Delphi that
use the BDE components to access Firebird databases. The Firebird
database server runs on its own machine. The apps also use a common
file ( - I said the apps were old) that is retrieved from
a shared folder on that server. These apps have worked fine for years
on Firebird 1.03 / Win2000 Server (and before that on Interbase
5.5). We've upgraded the server and software to Firebird 1.5 /
Win2003 Virtual Server. The applications run fine while in use, but
after one hour of idle time, subsequent use is halted and the
following message is displayed:

"General SQL error. Unable to complete network request to
host "myHostName". Error writing to the connection. An existing
connection was forcibly closed by the remote host."

The user must close the program and reopen it to continue, it does
not crash their system. We have worked with our network admin but
cannot find any differences in settings between the old and new
servers as far as the OS is concerned. There is no firewall in the
way. There is a shared folder for the file, and we've
tried the INTRBASE driver and the newest Firebird ODBC driver (where
you specify a path to fbclient.dll), both still use the BDE, and the
error still occurs with each. Any ideas would be greatly appreciated.
