Subject Re: Deploy FireBird
Author ione1608
Thanks for this answer. Now it's confirmed that I was doing it the
right way.

--- In, "Martijn Tonies"
<m.tonies@...> wrote:
> Hi,
> > Soon I have to install an application for five users working on
> > same database. Can somebody please review my steps that I have to
> > take (so I won't look like a dumb-ass at the clients place? I
> > test the whole procedure on my own pc before doing it at the
> >
> > I install the server software (SuperServer) on the machine that
> > act as the databaseserver. During the install there are different
> > install options I can choose from an dropdownbox. Which is the
> > in this situation? The whole package (develpment, documentation,
> > etc)?
> "server install", no need for the rest.
> > In the config-file I make an alias for the database.
> >
> > Then I put my fdb-file on the right place.
> >
> > I change the sysdba password and add a new user that the
> > will use.
> Good.
> > I want the client to connect via an ODBC-connection. What do I
> > install on these pc's? If i choose 'client only' in the
> > installationprocedure I don't see a Firebird entry in my ODBC
> > administrator. I also downloaded an executable
> > When I install this I see the entry. Is this the correct way?
> Yes, the Firebird (server) install doesn't come with an included
> driver, so you need to install that separately. You always at
least need the
> Firebird "client only" if you connect to Firebird without using a
> application, so you need to run that at each workstation (as well
as the
> ODBC).
> > In the ODBC administrator I make a new profile for my database.
> > the database-location box I will put something
like 'server:alias'.
> > Put the username/password in the right place.
> >
> > Is this the procedure for the database?
> Yep.
> > All clients will use the same database-user (they don't know
> > the database-user. They just login into the application with own
> > userids).
> >
> > Is it required to make an entry in the ODBC administrator, or
can it
> > be done by using a registry-file?
> The ODBC Admin is by far the easiest.
> > I'm sorry if this is a beginners question, but...... I'm a
> > and loving FireBird so far. I just want to make sure that I'm
> > things the right way.
> Good ;)
> Martijn Tonies
> Database Workbench - development tool for Firebird and more!
> Upscene Productions
> My thoughts:
> Database development questions? Check the forum!