Subject Re: [firebird-support] RE: At my wits end
Author Rafael Szuminski

just out of curiosity: what kind of throughput do you get when inserting rows
from a tool like IBExpert or ISQL (i.e running a large insert script)?


Epstein, Ed wrote:
> I have been coding with VB6 and naturally have had many issues with working
> with Interbase/Firebird etc. After much testing I decided to use
> SIBProvider. Its very adequate for my needs. However, I need to move
> 500K-1M records at a time into the database and that has proven an near
> insurmountable challenge ( I only say near since I still have a little bit
> of hope). After coming to the obvious conclusion that the ADO and OLEDB
> layers are slowing the transactions down, the obvious answer was to bypass
> them entirely. Only 3 solutions presented themselves (largely in part to
> this forum):
> 1) Use the API directly - Don't have the skill
> 2) Use an external program written to use the API - SQL scripts, import
> engines like FBExport, etc. I really needed a way to do it internally and
> they did not even reach an accetable speed.
> 3) Use external tables. This does not work since I would have to come up
> with a method of delivering them to the server. This has proved to be quite
> impossible due to circumstances that I cannot control.
> I took the advice of this forum and paid to have a component written to
> execute the SQL statements for me and use only the API to do this. No ADO
> layers, etc. Just pure looped API statements.
> This does EVEN worse than ADO and OLEDB. I received multiple testing
> programs from potential coders and none of them could even break 100 tps,
> let alone the 1500 tps i need.
> So I am at my wits end here. Its got to be the server. So I just really
> need to know if anybody out there is getting more than 1500 tps to their
> Interbase/Firebird server and what their setup is. I love Interbase to
> death, really I do. I cannot even change it if I wanted to. So basically
> If I cannot find a way around this I will have to suck it up and tell my
> company they they need to find someone else.
> As you can see I moved from complete desperation to realization that is a
> hell of lot more disturbing.
> P.S - The specs on the server are as follows:
> Dual PIII 1 GHZ CPUs.
> 1 GIG memory
> Windows 2000 (SP4)
> Interbase V7.0.0.1
> Dialect 3 database with 4,096 page size.
> 100BT network connection with a 100BT switch.
> No other services running on the server. Purely dedicated to the database
> Yahoo! Groups Links

Rafael Szuminski
Phone:(949)939 - 2458