Subject RE: [firebird-support] RE: At my wits end
Author Alan McDonald
> P.S - The specs on the server are as follows:
> Dual PIII 1 GHZ CPUs.
> 1 GIG memory
> Windows 2000 (SP4)
> Interbase V7.0.0.1

You know Ed, we recently changed out name to firebird-support away from
ib-support. We are more and more supporting firebird here and less and less
supporting interbase, especially the latest versions.
that said,
your spec is fine for hardware.
I know you've gone thru this before somewhere, but can you tell again:
you say you need to import all these records, you can't get external files
to the server in question so using whatever method you wish to use, how are
the servers in question able to see these 500-1m records if not by some

> Dialect 3 database with 4,096 page size.
> 100BT network connection with a 100BT switch.
> No other services running on the server. Purely dedicated to the
> database