Subject Re: [firebird-support] Even with NIC to NIC connection network request to host failed
Author Helen Borrie
At 12:40 PM 9/03/2004 +0530, you wrote:
>I have been posting on and off about a network request to host error when
>connection from Windows to Classic server running on Linux.
>Finally we tried this configuration
>Linux Server - 2 NIC Cards.
>Windows 2000 Desktop connecting to the server on one of the NIC cards
>directly with a Patch cord which has some wires switched around to make
>direct connection.
>Other NIC card from Linux server connecting to switch.
>Still getting occasionally. (Maybe once or twice a day But when it happens
>this problem goes on for around 10 min)
>Unable to complete network request to host "".
>Failed to establish a connection.
>The system could not find the environment
>option that was entered.
>(Note this environment option portion of the message did not come before
>we did this NIC to NIC connection)
>During this time other (single threaded)clients are able to connect
>through the switch.
>Only this multi thread client which is connecting NIC TO NIC is giving a
>This is
>$00551C56 PlasmaServer.exe IB_Session 1107
>$004FDFEE PlasmaServer.exe IB_Components 1859 TIB_Connection.API_Connect
>$004FC517 PlasmaServer.exe IB_Components 1159 TIB_Connection.SysConnect
>$004F9EC1 PlasmaServer.exe IB_Components 295 TIB_Connection.Connect
>$00749C5D PlasmaServer.exe JLDBConnectionPool 56
>$0074AE2D PlasmaServer.exe Downloadmultifrm 331
>Any ideas. The client is about to cancel my contract.

At least your NIC test proves there's something wrong with the network
configuration. Have you eliminated DHCP?

>I have tried every possible thing under the sun to try to isolate this
>Is there some tuning I have to do

>either in ibconfig

there is no ibconfig on Linux. The configuration file for IB 6 and
Firebird 1 is isc_config. Consider the possibility that the server is
crashing because you haven't configured any temp space and/or that the
default temp space (the filesystem /tmp on Linux) is missing.

>or on the linux system

Hmmm, so you are configuring this Linux server yourself? Have you thought
about enlisting the help of someone who understands network services on
Linux? Or buying a book on the subject?

>Both of these have been left more or less at the default.
>Could it be that the server is running out of memory and thus unable to
>create a new process on the server ??

That depends on which server you are running. If it's Classic then, yes,
it's a very real possibility that 512 Mb is going to get used up if you are
allowing unlimited connections. If it's Superserver, who knows?

The error message you are getting ("The system could not find the
environment option that was entered") looks like a custom message. Is it
one you made up yourself to respond to a specific ISC error code? Have you
explored the conditions that cause that ISC error code?

If you're trying to run IB 6 SS for Linux then anything is possible. It is
very-very beta.

>It is a 512 MB RAM system.
