Subject RE: [firebird-support] Re: FB 1.5 Crash
Author Alan McDonald
> IN PRODUCTION we do NOT use W2k SP4. It was loaded on a
> thankfully few sites, and caused problems on them all, so we
> are back with SP3 and stable again. This started was
> problems with simple RAS dial-up connections and NO OTHER
> SOFTWARE running, and resulted in several third party
> packages having to be rewritten. The same hardware had run
> for several months and continues to run with SP3 ( after a
> complete wipe of the hard disk and re-install to get rid of
> SP4 ).
> So yes I am stupid enough to believe it. Have you proven
> that SP4 IS stable in it's own right? We are not going to
> risk it again any time soon :)
> --
> Lester Caine
> -----------------------------

I know this is getting off topic a little but I have to say that my
experience is the slightly the reverse.
When SP3 first came out I had trouble until I found that I need to update my
video driver.
With serveral machines in my sights after SP4 was installed - there was one
machine which was giving us problems until I finally realised it was sitting
on SP3 - with SP4 installed - no more problems. I would have to admit,
though, that it can be dicey installing these majoir SPs and my first
suspicion in the even to problems is always video drivers.
