Subject Re: [ib-support] Firebird & OOo
Author Art Fore
Apparently you have not used Access, OOo datasources, or Rekall. I have
used Access to interface Innoved DxDatabook to a combination text file
from Oracle or directly from Oracle via ODBC and tables in the Access
database to make it portable and not have to have Oracle bloatware on my
machine. No programming required. Many other useful purposes also.


On Mon, 2003-02-10 at 18:38, Helen Borrie wrote:
> At 06:03 PM 10/02/2003 -0800, you wrote:
> >Helen,
> >
> >On Mon, 2003-02-10 at 07:19, Helen Borrie wrote:
> > >
> > > Hmm, I'm curious to know what a non-programmer is going to with a database
> > > and a Java driver...
> >
> >Actually I would like to see other non-programmers using Firebird with
> >tools like OpenOffice.
> >
> >Regardless of them not being programmers or dba, at least they can store
> >their data using a good RDMS.
> Sure, but where my curiosity comes in is what a non-programmer is going to
> do with an implied criticism, I am simply *curious*.
> For example, in MS Word, end-users can use MSQuery to extract data for
> static output; or in various Windows development IDEs you can build in
> Ole-DB providers to exchange data between applications...generally, there
> is a programmer behind such apps, even where the end-users are able to
> define their own queries.
> >In the end do we really care why or how they are using Firebird, or
> >simply that they are using Firebird. It will only help spread the word.
> Exactly - which is the reason I asked.
> heLen
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