Subject Firebird & OOo
Author Art Fore
System is Firebird 1.02, OOo 643C, on SuSE 8.0. I can connect using isql
to the examples/employee.gdb with no problem. Went throug the howto at and found the following

"Launch Interclient setup on the same machine where Interbase is
installed and install Interserver. If this machine is a server and you
install Interclient on the server as well, you can perform diagnostic
tasks directly on the server."

Where is this interclient setup? I found no such program in the
interclient directory. Interclient was installed per the readme file
from the interclient download. Is this another download? If so, from

"Add the location of the file interclient.jar to's
SystemClasspath in <OOPATH>/user/config/java.ini"

Where else could this file be? I modified the SystemClasspath in javarc,
but that did not seem to do anything. Is this a new file that you have
to create? If so, is there an example of syntax somewhere?

"Launch Go to Tools-DataSources and create a new JDBC
datasource. The necessary settings for Interbase via JDBC are:
Driver = interbase.interclient.Driver"

No such field in the DataSources dialog boax for JDBC datasources. There
is a JDBC Driver Class where I tried
interbase.interclient.Driver and Driver = interbase.interclient.Driver
with no success. Any suggestion as to where I went wrong here?

If anyone has gotten OOo to work with Firebird, any help would be

BTW, Firebird was the easiest and fastest of any of the databases I have
tried so far. Those were Orace 8i, Mysql, and Postgresql, but the most
difficult to interface to OOo.
