Subject I can't execute Jaybird Tomcat howto test app
Author Mohd. Jeffry
I'm using this howto to learn how to connect jsp/servlet aps to firebird:-;FAQS;NAME='JayBird'

Section 8 titled "How do I use JayBird with Tomcat?" is what I've been
When I viewed the test page, I get 404 error when I tried to view
http://localhost:8080/test... My tomcat is working fine because all
of the http://localhost:8080/examples/jsp/index.html work fine.

I know that this is more of tomcat problem but since this how to is
from firebird site, I bet you guys know better about this problem.

I' m using emerged j2se 1.4 and tomcat 4.1 at gentoo.

Thanks in advance.