Subject Freebie for Firebird Enthusiasts!
Author Nigel Weeks
Something went weird with my post, and even though people replied, I didn't
receive them.

If you can reply (Off list!!) with your details:
Address City

I'll send you a little present for Christmas! Free!


--- Original Message (This one went weird somewhere...) ---

I'm preparing a CD for my cousin (as a Christmas present) to introduce him
to Firebird development.
It'll contain:
A complete operating system: (FreeBSD 4.10)
The latest Firebird RDBMS available in the ports tree (
Application Server platform (Apache2, PHP5, mod_gzip, mod_ssl)
Documentation on installing the OS
Documentation on installing Firebird, App Server
Simple tutorial project to demonstrate the technology.

Recommended system requirements are:
Pentium 133MMX, 16MB ram, 200MB HDD.

My question is, would anyone else like a copy?
