Subject Re: [Firebird-general] one database inside other.. inside other .. inside other..
Author Dalton Calford
Have you addressed the following?

a) Recursive ACL structure for rights management?
b) Auto space expansion of a volume by adding a secondary TL system on
another media to an existing TL system
c) FileSystem drivers for various operating systems - linux, windows, freebsd
d) cross-indexing of field contents for fast file searches.
e) performance optimizations for file(blob) operations

best regards


On September 10, 2003 03:38 am, german aracil boned wrote:
> Yes with firebird and TL System
> In next release, you can create tables and fields in TL System. And you
> can create new table back of any field.. News structures are found now.
> How?
> well..
> You can create links, files, and directories now. But all elements
> (files, links..) are directories or have a directory down that. You can
> create new elements in those directories. If you create an element with
> type table, you can create new elements down it. News elements of type
> fields. And down of those elements you can write records of data.. files
> or news tables. Remember, all elements have directory. Down of this
> records you can create news tables.. news structures..
> The table name is the element name (how in files..)
> The field name.. is the element name (down the table)
> The record data is the element name or a file with data.(name for title)
> The records are linked with link field (in sys_files table) and type of
> element is stored in is_file field.
> if is_file = 0 element is a file with data.
> if is_file = 1 element is a directory.
> if is_file = 2 element is a link to file.
> link = number of this destination file
> ....
> if is_file = 6 element is a table
> if is_file = 7 element is a field
> if is_file = 8 element is a record data.
> link = record number inside of this table. Al record fields have this
> number for a same record.
> All with next release of Top Level System.
> And more docs with install instructions of database, service, web file
> explorer..
> Any comment ?
> thanks.
> regards
> German Aracil
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