Subject Re: [IBDI] RE: Syntax Highlighter in IBConsole...
Author Frank Ingermann
Hi Dominique,

Dominique Louis wrote:
> Hola Claudio,
> Gracias por toda la informacion sobre las "Funciones", "Palabras
> Claves" y "Tipos" de FireBird.
> Lo mandare al equipo SynEdit ( ) este
> fin de semana y eseporo que sera incorporado.
> Tambien si alguien puede incorporarme en la lista de desarrolladores de
> FireBird, cargare la version de FBConsole que tengo, con un executable.
> Saludos,
> Dominique Louis.

About the SynEdit highlighter: since shortly i'm an active devel of
GMarathon (see or, and i took over the task
of fixing/enhancing the SynEdit used throughout Marathon as the
SQL editing control.

i actually started the exact same thing you are working on, so imho it
would be a good idea if we could combine our efforts here (instead of
having two derivates of TSynSQLSyn - that would be both redundant and
re-inventing the wheel.) Haven't had much time, so i haven't got far atm.

In case you're interested, feel free to mail me privatly as this
will definitely get off topic for this list...


P.S.: could you please post in English? my Spanish is really
awful and i guess i'm not alone here :-) otherwise i'll start posting in
Dutch so noone (well - except for Martijn) will understand me <g>...

when parsers parse, and compilers compile, then why don't objects object?

fingerbirdy - fingerman's door to Firebird