Subject Re: About IBX and Firebird
Author doidodoscornos

can I suggest that you move this thread to a more suitable newsgroup,
like ?



--- In IBDI@y..., "Ed Malloy" <edm@B...> wrote:
> Claudio,
> Yes, this is well said,
> And part of what I am trying to say is that the "severity" of the
bugs is somewhat subjective and that the perception of the severity
may be based on many factors including acceptable substitutes.
> I use both infopower and Orpheus: infopower primarily for its
wonderul grids; Orpheus for fields, and so much more. Fortunatley I
do not have budget constraints so I can purchase a component suite
even If I use only one or two of the available components. We are a
corporation approaching $75 million (USD) in annual sales volume
(vehicles) and I write and maintain all of the information systems
with only myself, one full-time assistant and some consultants on
an "as-needed" basis. We can do this because of the power of Delphi
and the availability of many great components.
> I certainly agree that time and expertise are not directly related.
Also that there are many, many different fields of expertise w/in
Delphi/Interbase. My expertise is in developning and maintaining
Order Fulfillment, Inventory and accounting applications.
> I must admit, Claudio, that I am smiling, but I will try and
restate the --Year-- problem, which I have long ago worked around. I
am not exactly sure of the exact specifics, but when I converted an
interbase table of our fleet of vehicles from I believe 4.6 to 5.x
using a backup & restore the coversion was success, however one of
the columns: Year (as in Year, Make & Model) is not accessible in a
simply query from ibConsole, nor from the BDE, :
> SELECT ..., Year, ... FROM CARS WHERE .....
> Nor is it accessible using : SELECT ..., t1."Year", ... FROM CARS
t1 WHERE .....
> Nor could I ALTER TABLE CARS DROP ....
> Until I was able to ascertain the YEAR had been added to the
reserved words list this was a abit of a mystery, but once that was
known the solution was simple, though tedious. I still wonder how it
could have been "translated" in the first place.
> What I did was go back to the earlier version of interbase, ALTER
TABLE there to create a new attribute YR and then DROP YEAR . Then I
reinstalled the newer vesion and upgraded the table via BACKUP &
RESTORE. Is that clear enough for you? Simply stated you cant create
a relation with an attribute YEAR, but the upgrade/translation
process allowed for this to exist. I couldn't understand why I
couldn't access an existing attributes data.
> I see that apparently you can create an attribute in ISQL with a
reserver word name. I don't know whether I'd call the a feature ...
or a bug!
> Unless my memory is failing me, your message is the first that
explicity described HOW they dealt with the issue. (or possibly I
couln't image such a major different betwee isql & ibconsole).
> >It's easy to criticize, denigrate and piss others when you get
peer support
> >in good faith and for free. Nobody guarantees that flux to be
> >Heck, even paid support goes wrong several times with any product
> >reputable companies.
> I totally agree with this. And it is also important to accept the
advice for what it is. I have learned much from people in support
forums -- way back to the compuserve days, and I have also wasted
time here too. I don't regret the "wasting" though, since it is part
of the process.
> >
> >Being myself a person that enjoys the sarcasm, I disagree. Your
first post
> >said textually at the end «(gee, sort of sounds like an unnamed nw
> >software company, doesn't it!)» including the typo that I think
is "new".
> >And you were referring to CPS (Jason's company). What do you
expect? Jason
> >laughing? Try to make for example the same joke at the FibPlus
forums and
> >see if you get flack or not.
> Well I must admit that that was an attempt at humor. But it does
capsulize my feelings that both groups -- on different scales -
commit the same error. I meant it as criticism, but not sarcasm. And
I hope that it could be taken with a smile.
> Finally Claudio, I do appreciate you long, well thought out
response. I hope that you can understand what I said in the first
message, and what I have said in the ensuing messages.
> thanks,
> ed
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